Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh, Middle School.

So, today--I saw an amazing thing.  I saw a drama fueled, emotinally charged, socially...erm,...well, I don't know...unsure?  socially eager, social 8th grade girl?  I mean, it's 8th grade!  Plus, well...I don't think she's had the easiest time of it, kind of girl--well, I watched her walk away from a fight.  She walked away because she knew it was the right thing to do. But also, this girl--she didn't have the best...well, skills?  Upbringing?  History?  Highly transient, long history of changing schools because of fights, long self--perception of being disliked by "trusted" adults--I saw this powerful young girl not only walk away, but unflinchingly tell the truth about a tough situation.

This, in a time where I'm personally struggling with my own abilities, plus more looming budget news, plus overwhelming feelings of unflagging tedium, this strong, self-assured, powerful young woman not only does the right thing, but also trusts me enough to unload the burdens of how crappy 8th grade drama can be.  Of course, I cried.  I mean, I access every single emotion through tears.  But still--it was amazing to watch this young girl process her emotions in a way I only hope I can--she was so...well, she wasn't self assured, she just seriously thought about her actions.  Wow. 

I am a reactionary person.  Well--no. That's not true.  I'm learning, and getting better, and I don't always react right away.  I'm getting better at stopping and thinking.  But this girl--this 14 year old dramatic, hormonally charged girl, stopped and walked away.  There is such power in that.  I was left in awe.  And honor.  Today, this girl, she's my hero.  She's who I look up to right now.

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