Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Accidents Happen

So, completely by accident, I think I've done something right.  I mean, that remains to be seen, but I think...I just think that possibly, this may have a positive outcome.  Every year we give the state writing assessment to all of our 7th graders.  We try and cover the important things before the window opens, and then we scramble to reteach before the deadline looms, and then we turn them loose.  No coaching, no help, just hours of quiet and student directed editing and revision.  Except--see, I don't think my kids have done all that well and I usually spend hours of reflection and nerdy data analyzation going over scores and errors the list of things I could have or should have (or could of, as my kids write) done, but then I just start the next year all over and January approaches and I haven't really changed things. 

Well.  THIS year, I accidentally did things differently, and I think it might pay off.  This year, instead of slogging through the dreaded personal narrative that open, regardless of how many times I try to correct them, with, "Hi, my name is Julie, and here is a little about me," we started off with a story.  Most of my kids don't mind writing stories, and--the majority of my students have always chosen the imaginative prompt on the writing test (and, sadly, the majority do not meet, either).  I just realized that perhaps by starting with a story, the kids will be able to choose that prompt and maybe do better?  I mean, it's a possibility, right?

Plus, I'm really hammering home the revision piece.  We've changed the language from rough draft and final draft to FIRST draft, which will be followed my many subsequent drafts.  Hopefully, this will have a positive outcome.  And I have to say that that sentence is a huge thing for me to write, because I'm just not in the most of positive moods this week, so truly, that is saying something.

I'll let you know!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Here I am, procrastinating.  Tomorrow, the first drafts are due, and I'm struggling with my revision versus editing lesson.  And so...I search and read and research, when really, I should be grading and cleaning and grocery shopping and cooking. 

But I found this--and it's pretty cool.  Giving me some ideas, at least.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I think, quite possibly, the hardest thing about teaching isn't trying to figure out how to engage your students, or keep grammar exciting, or motivate kids to write, or get a reluctant, struggling reader to love books.  I think that the hardest thing about being a teacher is when you realize just how different their reality is from what you thought it was, and they are just twelve, and their life is already harder than almost anything you have ever dealt with.  I think that is the hardest part.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Maybe one day...

Well, this would be my first post.  I'm just testing things out.  One day, maybe, I'll write something interesting and amazing.